
Food for Thought: Retreat Recap

The Bluestockings have returned from our annual weekend away and it was nearly perfect (having Ann there would have made it 100%). There were laughs, movies, shopping, more laughs, food, and yes, we had our book discussion thank-you-very-much. We mapped out our selections for 2009 and are looking forward to our 2010 weekend adventure! We did that after we spent all day out in public attired in identical Life Is Good tees (book themed, of course). I hope those who saw us had a good laugh; I'm sure they were wondering where our red hats were but we are NOT that kind of group!


The Retreat

The Bluestockings are READY for our retreat this weekend. Pillars of the Earth is our book and it surely will take all weekend for us to discuss...except when we are eating, shopping, or having a cocktail (or all three!).